Climate and Eco Distress in the Arts and Everyday Life
7pm December 7th, 2023. Register here. Hosted by Kasia Witek, Solastalgia Project & Climate Psychology Alliance.
How can we live with the climate and ecological crises? An online talk exploring emotional and psychological responses.
How can we equip ourselves to cope with the vulnerability and intensity of our encounter with the challenges we face today? In everyday life and in artistic practice, what structures of care can we build for ourselves and each other?

Speculative nonfiction: ecodramaturgies for dancing science in Water is Attracted to Water
Theatre and Performance Research Association Conference, August 30th - September 1st 2023
Research paper introducing the Water is Attracted to Water project and exploring the significance of climate psychology, interdisciplinary voices and introducing the idea of speculative nonfiction as a form in eco dramaturgy. Abstract
Δημόσιο Πανεπιστήμιο Χορού ΠΡΑΞΗ 1 (Public University of Dance ACT 1)
Round table: Theory and Practice. Τον Ιούνιο 2022, το Σωματείο Εργαζομένων στο Χώρο του Χορού (Σ.Ε.ΧΩ.ΧΟ.) ανοίγει έναν χώρο διαλόγου και σκέψης για το απόν Πανεπιστήμιο Χορού. Μας καλεί να φανταστούμε πώς μπορεί αυτό να γίνει πράξη.
Six Months on from COP26 Psycho-Social Reflections: What have we learnt?
May 4th & 7th 2022, recordings available here.
Panel: 'From Now into the Future: The role of activism and a Psychosocial Response to Climate Change post COP26'. Conference organised by the Climate Psychology Alliance and the Association for Psychosocial Studies.
ACAMEDIA dance project, If not through the Academy, then how?
Workshops and presentation April 2022, collaboration with Medie Megas, Zoi Dimitriou, Steriani Tsintziloni and Elpida Rikou.
Cinema Verde, directors round table and interview
Online, available with the film One Day We Will Dance with You on the Cinema Verde platform.
Round table and Q&A plus interview on the ecological crisis, science, emotions and the arts, the process and aims making 'One Day We Will Dance with You' with director Alkis Papastathopoulos.
'One Day We Will Dance with You' is part of the Water is Attracted to Water project and funded by EU research project WATERAGRI. Official selection for Smaragdni Eco Film Festival, Resurge: Canadian Film Festivals for a Liveable Climate, 2021, winner of Dancing Story Award at the Cinema Verde Festival 2022.
Online, free: 26 Jan 2022, 14:00 EEST, Recording available here.
Artists' panels on the different aspects and necessary conditions of freedom today, launching Anatomies of Freedom, a platform for creative dialogues which engage with freedom in the present and imagined possible futures. Curated by Maro Michalakakos. In discussion with poet Maria Topali & artist Zeyno Pekünlü. Chaired by author Amanda Michalopoulou.